
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sepintas lalu....

"Bila engkau memndng sgalanya dr Tuhanmu yg mncptakn sgalanya,yg mnimpakan ujian,yg mnjdikan skt hatimu,yg mmbuat keinginanmu trhalang,srta mnyusahkn hdpmu, psti akan damailah hatimu krn masakn Allah sngaja mntkdirkan sgalanya utk sesuatu yg sia-sia..Bukan krn Allah tdk tahu ...derita
hdpmu,retaknya hatimu,tp mngkin...itulah yg DIA mahu krn DIA tahu hati
yg sebeginilah yg lebih lunak, mdh utk dkt dan akrab dgn-NYA."


Alhamdulillah..Wa Subhanallah,Allah masih memberi ana ruang utk berkongsi sedikit pengalaman dan luahan rasa hati agar turut menjadi pedoman kita semua.Wallahu ta'ala 'alam..
Kadang2,perjuangan menuntut pengorbanan..boleh kata,selalu..
Hanya Allah jualah yg memberi ana kekuatan utk terus istiqomah dlm melakukan pengorbanan yg cukup besar..jiwa,harta,masa hatta keluarga sekalipun..
Dan ia bukanlah sesuatu yg mudah..
Hanya yg mampu bertahan,akan terus berkorban..demi menegakkan ad-deenul haq...
Perjuangan menuntut pengorbanan..
Kadang2 kita yg terkorban..
tetapi,ingatlah duhai sahabat fillah..
pengorbanan kita bkn sesuatu yg sia2..Apabila terasa sukar utk melakukan pengorbanan,ingatlah matlamat utama kita~REDHA ALLAH
Andai kita terasa berat....Tanyalah diri..Adakah kita dah bosan dgn hidayah Allah?Atau kita dah letih menghambakan diri pada jalan Allah?Nauzubillah...Ingat..yg memberi kita masa siapa?yg memberi kita wang ringgit?yg memberi kita kekuatan?yg memberi kita keluarga?hatta yg memberi kita ujian sekalipun...dtgnya dari Allahu Rabbul Jalil..Jd,mengapa perlu ada alsn dlm menjalankan dkwh trbiyah?mengapa perlu berhenti seketika sedang setiap nfs kita sekalipun,dtg dari Allah..Subhanallah..Ampunkanlah hamba2Mu yg tidak mensyukuri nikmatMu...
Asif kepada sesiapa yg terasa..
Bukan niat utk menyakiti hati antum..
tetapi nasihat ini dtgnya dari hati hamba yg penuh kelemahan ini..
yg mendambakan mujahid wal mujahidah yg sentiasa berkobar-kobar ruh jihadnya dlm diri masing2..demi...agama Allah..dan menyambung perjuangan kekasih Allah..Kita lah mata rantai perjuangan baginda..
Ingin ana kgsikan sebuah kisah seorang hamba Allah yg ana gelar sbg murobbiah..
Murobbiah bknlah seorang yg hebat pd pndgn ana..tapi,ujian yg menimpanya membuat ana tersedar yg dia pilihan Allah..
Murobbiah di lahirkan dlm keluarga atau biah yg tidak solehah..
Malah,murobbiah betul2 dpt menghayati Islam semasa di Matrikulasi..Sejak dia berbai'ah untuk berhijrah ke jalan yg Allah redha,satu persatu ujian dtg menerpa..
Kadang2,murobbiah tersungkur jua..
Namun pabila dia tersedar..Dia bangkit..
tanpa toleh kebelakang..
Hingga akhirnya,di peringkat universiti..dia benar2 menjadi seorang murobbiah..1 amanah yg x pernah terlintas di fikirannya utk dia menggalasnya..Seperti yg ana telah katakan jutaan ujian dan halangan dlm menyampaikan risalah dan keindahan Islam..Namun...murobbiah mengambil segala ujian itu dgn perasaan redha terhadap ketentuan Allah..Dia sedar,ujian untuknya tanda KASIH SAYANG ALLAH padanya..Allah nk uji sama ada dia istiqomah atau tidak dgn jalan yg di pilihnya...
Sahabt fillah...
dia sentiasa terkorban..
tetapi dia tidak mengeluh dan tidak pernah jemu...kerana dia asyik dlm mencari cinta dan redha Allah....
InsyaAllah ana akan sambung kisahnya nanti..Wassalam..

Monday, August 30, 2010

Ibrah from mistakes...

Bismillah. Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah. Allahuakbar. Astagfirullahalazim. Thank you Allah for letting me learn lessons/ibrah from my mistakes. Subhanallah, my tarbiah from Allah, what I can see is that Allah let me make mistakes so that I can learn from it. The effect is long-lasting, insyaAllah. Alhamdulillah. From this mistake, I learn about ummah. How I can see how critical they are, our own brothers and sisters of Islam, swept away with their desires in this phony little world. Even in this barakah month, Ramadhan, they seemed to be lost without guidance from Allah. Nauzubillah.

Ikhtilat is something that seemed 'normal' to them. In crowded places or dark silent corner, they don't really seemed to feel that what they did is wrong. To all muslims, mukmin out there! Remember the famous verse in quran! Walatakrabuzzina! Don't you come close to zina! No matter if you are only two (a girl and and a boy), or you are great in numbers, if you seat anywhere, 'melepak', 'berborak', etc without REAL, TRUE PURPOSE, I remind you and myself especially, don't, just don't do it.

I'm afraid it will cause our hearts to darken with sins. Nauzubillah. Why don't we gather, spend our time a bit to discuss the REAL and IMPORTANT issues in hand. What's going on with Islam and the believers? Are our brothers and sisters there in Palestine suffering from cold, starvation and real pressure by Yahudi laknatullah? What can we do to help ummah? I would like to ask of you and myself, how many minutes did we spend our time to think of these important issues? Allah gave each and everyone of us 24 hours a day, did we spend at least a minute to remember Allah? To help His religion? To aid ummah's needs? Astagfirullah.

Ya, Allah thank you for letting me learn from my mistakes. Ya, Rahman, ya Rahim, don't let me go astray without Your proper guidance. Ya, Allah don't let my sins be the cause for me be far from You. Nauzubillah.

I love the lyrics below, it's really meaningful to me and hopefully we all can learn something from it. However, it's in Malay.

Keredhaan Mu...

Ya, Allah ya Tuhanku
HambaMu merindukan rahmat kasih-sayangMU
Dan jua keredhaanMu dalam hidupku

Meskipun ku ulangi dosa noda
Yang menjanjikan azab sengsara
NAmun ku sedari keampunanMu tidak bertepi
Ku akui diri ini hamba mungkir pada janji-janji
Jadikanlah taubat ini yang sejati
PadaMu Ilahi

Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa-dosaku
Ya Allah, redhakanlah kehidupanku

Moga terhapus penghijab kalbu
Antara Kau dan aku

Tuhan, ku zalimi diri ini
Andai Kau tak ampuni dan rahmati
Alangkah ruginya diri

Tuhan, jangan kau palingkan hati ini
Setelah kau beri hidayah
Sesungguhnya Kau Maha Pengasih


Friday, August 20, 2010


Bismillah. Assalamualaikum everyone. This post I copied from an online forum for my assignment. I hope that this post can give benefit to all of us. Amin.

As muslims our ultimate goal is as stated in the Holy Quran:

(وَمَا خَلَقۡتُ ٱلۡجِنَّ وَٱلۡإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعۡبُدُونِ (٥٦

"I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me." (Adh-Dhariyat:56)

As a full time muslim and hopefully mukmin, my goals in life are as follows:
1. Consent/ approval/ blessings from Allah The Most High or in arabic is mardhotillah by
following whatever Allah has told us, the believers to do and leave whatever Allah has
2. Following the sunnah of my beloved Rasulullah SAW who I long for.
3. Being beneficent for Islam and ummah.


Hopefully, I can manage out of harm's way from the punishment of the grave, chaos in Mahsyar and the fury of the blazing hell. Amin.

Allah is our aim

"Is not He (best) Who produceth creation, then reproduceth it, and Who provideth for you from the heaven and the earth? Is there any God beside Allah? Say: Bring your proof, if ye are truthful!"(An-Naml: 64)

Rasulullah SAW is our exemplar

"Allah verily hath shown grace to the believers by sending unto them a messenger of their own who reciteth unto them His revelations, and causeth them to grow, and teacheth them the Scripture and wisdom; although before (he came to them) they were in flagrant error." (Al-Imran: 164)

Al-Quran is our guide

"Praise be to Allah Who hath revealed the Scripture unto His slave, and hath not placed therein any crookedness, (1) (But hath made it) straight, to give warning of stern punishment from Him, and to bring unto the believers who do good works the news that theirs will be a fair reward," (2) (Al-Kahfi: 1-2)

Syahid is our highest dream

"Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph." (At-Taubah: 111)

Jihad is our way

"As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good." (Al-Ankabut: 69)

"O ye who believe! What aileth you that when it is said unto you: Go forth in the way of Allah, ye are bowed down to the ground with heaviness. Take ye pleasure in the life of the world rather than in the Hereafter? The comfort of the life of the world is but little in the Hereafter." (At-Taubah: 38)

Wallahu'alam. Assalamualaikum.

p/s: I think to feel "THE FEEL" of the verse from Quran that I posted, it's better for you guys to read it in Malay. Same goes to me.